1. Certifying Sickness Absence in Great Britain – The Introduction of the “Fit Note” - Nerys Williams
  2. Medical and social consequences on work disability in Romania by changing the pension legislation – Liana Stincescu
  3. Histological aspects in work disability pensioners with chronic liver disease of C viral etiology - Veronica Mercan, Maria Marina Tanasie
  4. Locomotor disability according to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - Doina Lăcrămioara Tudorache, Cătălina Voiculescu
  5. Retrospective reflections on the activity of medical assessment and work capacity rehabilitation - Nicolae Şirjiţă
  6. National Congress of Medical Assessment and Work Capacity Rehabilitation, Bran, September 29th – October 1st 2011 – Abstracts of presentations