The Romanian Journal of Medical Assessment and Work Capacity Rehabilitation publishes articles which frame in one of the headings: editorials, systematic reviews, point of views, reports of original research, case reports, books and journal’s reviews, articles in order to help those preparing exams, correspondence on specialized themes (opinions, suggestions, letters), advertising, medical information.
There are accepted original articles, previous unpublished (partially or completely) in other journals. The authors are liable for the content of the articles.
The manuscripts will be sent for publication to scientific secretary, Lăcrămioara Doina Tudorache MD PhD (e-mail: or handed in a CD to editorial board and have regard for the following conditions.

1. Technique details

1.1. Requirement of typing: document in Microsoft Word , A4 format with margins of 2,5 cm, font – “Time New Roman” – 12, line spacing – 1 line, spacing-after – 6 points. The pages will be numbered; the abbreviations will be explained at their first appearance in the text.

1.2. Tables should be numbered with Roman numerals; figures, charts or pictures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each of these should be on separate pages with a short title and the author should mark their appearance in the text.

2. The manuscript format

2.1. The title page with the following information: title of the article – concise, contains the essence of the article, full name of the authors, their scientific title/university degree, institutional affiliation for each author, contact information for the corresponding author (address, telephone, fax, e-mail).

2.2. Abstracts in English of 150 or fewer words should accompany all submissions. The abstracts must represent a brief describe of the work’s goals and must explain the purpose of it.

2.3. The reports of original research will have regard for the following structure: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.

2.4. The articles must not exceed 8-10 pages for editorials, systematic reviews, point of views, reports of original research, 4-6 pages – case reports, 2-3 pages – reviews, other lectures, correspondence, etc.

2.5. Bibliographic references (References) are compulsory and must have regard for the following requirements, in the Harvard standard.

2.5.1. For books: the surname of the author(s) followed by the forename(s); the year of publication (in round brackets); the title of work (in italics); the place of publication; publisher.

2.5.2. For articles in journals: the surname of the author(s), followed by the forename(s); the year of publication (in round brackets); the title of article (in italics or quotation marks); the title of journal followed by volume, number, year and page numbers of the article.

2.5.3. References must be numbered in order in which they first appear in the text.

2.5.4. Reference numbers in the text must be given in superscript type.

The articles which do not correspond the requirements above will be returned to the corresponding author for the necessary changes.