1. The importance of the exercise testing in the socio-professional reintegration of patients with ischemic heart disease - Alexandru Faur, Maria Magdalena Ciuvică
2. Optimizing the social participation of the elderly through innovative products and technologies - Despina Gherman, Ana Maria Vasilescu, Doina Lăcrămioara Tudorache
3. Individual rehabilitation program for victims of work accidents and occupational diseases in order to grant tickets for balneotherapy. Methodological clarifications - Carolina Conea
4. Statin therapy in liver cirrhosis - Roxana Mirică
5. Aggressive behavior and its implications - Anicuţa Cermanoriţi, Mihaela Calotă
6. Marfan syndrome. Clinical case - Oana Negruţ, Mihai Stanca, Corina Oancea, Despina Gherman
7. Arterio-venous cerebral malformation. Clinical case - Mirabela Chivu