- Preventive medical diagnostic: The experience of the Medical Prevention Center Hamburg - Ana-Maria Bamberger, Sabine Guth, Christoph M. Bamberger
- Mortality in third stage cancers - Cârstici Duşan, Săftescu Sorin
- Molecular markers of prognostic value in colorectal cancers: caspaza-3, TAG-72, E-caderina - Georgeta Afrem, Ştefania Crăiţoiu, Claudiu Mărgăritescu
- Invalidity caused by hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency in Maramures County - evolution and trends - Bogdan Apan, Horia Apan
- The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and associated risk factors in chronic hepatitis - Roxana Mirică
- Automatic diabetic neuropathy: functional impairment, incapacity or disability ? - Silvia Ştefania Iancu, Ion Iancu, Mariana Floarea, Valeria Gayzago
- 3D Imaging of the foot - Ana Maria Vasilescu, Gheorghe Berijan, Daniel Petcu, Bujorel Jidiuc