1. The statistical analysis of the evolution of disability having as its main cause the invalidity of complicated type 1 diabetes in Maramureş county after the year 2000 – Tudor Bogdan Apan, Bogdan Horia Apan
2. The role of the special footwear in maintaining health and quality of life of the elderly – Despina Gherman, Ana Maria Vasilescu, Roxana Mirică, Doina Lăcrămioara Tudorache
3. Hyperuricemia and associated clinical conditions – Corina Oancea, Maria Magdalena Ciuvică
4. Opinions on methodological cases with particular problems – Carolina Conea, Simona Cîrjaliu-Davidescu
5. Criteria for granting compensations according to Law 346/2002 and legislative updates – Ionela Artemona Apătean
6. Statins in stroke prevention – Mirabela Chivu
7. Fatz non-alcoholic liver disease – Gabriela Constantin
8. ICF Basic Set for Work Disability due to Diabetes Mellitus – Doina Romoşan, Roxana Creţu, Adina Raţiu, Roxana Chiricioaia
9. Field social investigation, definition, methodology, content analysis – Mihai Nedelcu, Mihaela Calotă
10. Bipolar affective disorder, work disability or with to perform an activity – Maria Marina Tănasie, Veronica Mercan