1. The statistical analysis of the evolution of disability having as its main cause the invalidity of complicated type 1 diabetes in Maramureş county after the year 2000 – Tudor Bogdan Apan, Bogdan Horia Apan

2. The role of the special footwear in maintaining health and quality of life of the elderly – Despina Gherman, Ana Maria Vasilescu, Roxana Mirică, Doina Lăcrămioara Tudorache

3. Hyperuricemia and associated clinical conditions – Corina Oancea, Maria Magdalena Ciuvică

4. Opinions on methodological cases with particular problems – Carolina Conea, Simona Cîrjaliu-Davidescu

5. Criteria for granting compensations according to Law 346/2002 and legislative updates – Ionela Artemona Apătean

6. Statins in stroke prevention – Mirabela Chivu

7. Fatz non-alcoholic liver diseaseGabriela Constantin

8. ICF Basic Set for Work Disability due to Diabetes Mellitus Doina Romoşan, Roxana Creţu, Adina Raţiu, Roxana Chiricioaia

9. Field social investigation, definition, methodology, content analysis Mihai Nedelcu, Mihaela Calotă

10. Bipolar affective disorder, work disability or with to perform an activity Maria Marina Tănasie, Veronica Mercan