- Neuropsychic manifestations in hepatic diseases – Maria Marina Tănasie, Veronica Mercan , Marinela Bezna
- Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis in diabetes mellitus associating obesity and metabolic syndrome X – Mariana Floarea Ianson, Dorel Sâmpelean, Nicoleta Leah, Angela Cosma
- Bionic prosthesis in rehabilitation of limb amputations – Gheorghe Panait, Laurenţiu Bănică, Bogdan Andrei
- Place of laser therapy in rehabilitation after lumbar herniated disc surgery – Ileana Rândaşu, Sabina Grigoriu
- Rehabilitation in aortic stenosis undergoing surgical therapy– Monica Bezman
- Dificulties in diagnosing CAD in women – Simona Căpraru
- Occupational diseases induced by work with display screen equipment – Ionela Artemona Apătean
- Aspects concerning evaluation and rehabilitation of work capacity in patients with dermatological diseases – Gabriel Arsene, Adina Ştefana Raţiu, Eugeniu Popescu Garotescu
- Management of skull base osteoma – case report – Roxana Beatrice Creţu, Doina Maria Neamţu, Loredana Dragomir
- Current practices of the insurance physicians at the territorial departments of work capacity assessment– Gabriela Toma, Emil Petru Toma
- The right to work for people with disabilities – Gabi Mihaela Comănescu, Alina Elena Iovănel