1. Neuropsychic  manifestations in hepatic diseases – Maria Marina Tănasie, Veronica Mercan , Marinela Bezna
  2. Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis in diabetes mellitus associating obesity and metabolic syndrome X – Mariana Floarea Ianson, Dorel Sâmpelean, Nicoleta Leah, Angela Cosma
  3. Bionic prosthesis in rehabilitation of limb amputations – Gheorghe Panait, Laurenţiu Bănică, Bogdan Andrei
  4. Place of laser therapy in rehabilitation after lumbar herniated disc surgery – Ileana Rândaşu, Sabina Grigoriu
  5. Rehabilitation in aortic stenosis undergoing surgical therapy– Monica Bezman
  6. Dificulties in diagnosing CAD in women – Simona Căpraru
  7. Occupational diseases induced by work with display screen equipment – Ionela Artemona Apătean
  8. Aspects concerning evaluation and rehabilitation of work capacity in patients with dermatological diseases – Gabriel Arsene,  Adina Ştefana Raţiu, Eugeniu Popescu Garotescu
  9. Management of skull base osteoma – case report – Roxana Beatrice Creţu, Doina Maria Neamţu, Loredana Dragomir
  10. Current practices of the insurance physicians at the  territorial departments of work capacity assessment– Gabriela Toma, Emil Petru Toma
  11. The right to work for people with disabilities – Gabi Mihaela Comănescu, Alina Elena Iovănel